User manuals
Most of the products in our assortment require some installation. One product is ready in no time and the other product needs a little more time.
In order to help your customers as much as possible, we have written user manuals for a large number or products. These explain step by step how to set up the product with the help of accompanying photos or drawings. This makes installing the product a piece of cake!
Product sheets
Would you like to see all the information on a certain product together in one document? Then you can use our product sheets. Here you will find all article codes of the product together with all the necessary product information: from weight to available colours.
You will also find drawings and photos of the product on the product sheet. This way you get a complete picture of what the product exactly entails.
Our product sheets can be found on our online platform at the corresponding product. Is there no product sheet for your product yet? Then we are still working on it.
Print templates
Many of our products are not complete without a graphic. That’s why we’re happy to take care of your total product: printing is also a service we provide. To ensure that your graphic will look great, we have created print templates for all products with graphic.
On this template you can see exactly in which area you have to place the texts and logos so that your message gets the attention it deserves. This way, your graphic will look exactly as you had in mind!